Yesterday, Thursday October 14, I had the joy of meeting Kristina face to face and sharing in the joy of meeting Baby Layne Grace Gaston
Until yesterday, Kris and I have only talked by email, text, and FB, so I was so excited that I could be there to share this special day with her. Layne Grace was born at 1:00 pm yesterday and is doing good and breathing on her own. She weighed 4 lbs 1 oz and 16 1/2 inches long compared to Aiden she looked big to me. It was such a blessing and a testement of God's love to us.
I received a text earlier today that Kris was able to hold Layne Grace last night and I know she had tears of joy. It was such a great day of love, faith, family and friends.
I also met Julie another Trisomy 18 mom, her daughter Magdalina lived a miraculous 167 days and went to Heaven January 13, 2009. I feel such a connection with these ladies and even though I would love to have Aiden with me and not have this connection, God has brought us together to help each other. He does have a plan in our lives and I am so Thankful!
Please continue to pray for Kris, Hamp, and their other children that God gives them strength, love, and healing. Pray for Layne Grace that God continues to hold her in His arms and keeps her from pain.
Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.
John 14:27

1 comment:
What a beautiful little girl. Thank you for sharing this, Ashley. Praying for their family as well as for yours. Much love!
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